Grandfather Enjoys Quality Time With His Family Following a Protected PCI Procedure

Bill Asper, 67, father and grandfather, suffered a heart attack over 20 years ago. Until last year, he felt strong and healthy. Last May, Bill began to feel weak and fatigued and he knew from prior experience this wasn't normal. He visited his primary care doctor who ran some tests. While waiting for the test results, Bill continued with his day until his doctor called him to say that the results from the blood test showed elevated troponin levels and advised that he go immediately to the Emergency Room.

Bill and his wife, Dawn, went to their local hospital and were directly transferred to another hospital under the care of Dr. Amir Kaki. Bill was then brought in for a catheterization procedure which revealed that he had major blockages in his arteries. 

Because of his previous heart attack, Dr. Kaki felt that Bill would benefit from the Protected PCI procedure with Impella®. After he explained the risks and benefits to Bill, he elected to have the procedure. The next day, Dr. Kaki inserted the Impella CP® heart pump and placed stents that were necessary to open the blockages in his arteries. Bill felt an immediate improvement and went home following the procedure. Since then, he has returned to a normal life; working as a security officer at MGM Casino and spending quality time with his family.

Learn more about Impella® heart pumps
